Average Monthly Gas Bill For 3 Bedroom House

Average Monthly Gas Bill For 3 Bedroom House

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What is the average energy bill in the UK?

The UK average consumption for Gas & Electricity [2021]

What is the average energy bill in the UK?

Average gas and electric usage for UK households

This guide will answer all of your questions about what the average energy bill in the UK. Here is a quick graph that shows the averages by small/medium/large house type from a couple of years ago.

What is the average energy bill in the UK?

According to Government energy usage data in 2019 the average household energy bill was £1,289 per year.

Remember, this a complete average and usage will vary wildly across the UK and by household. We'll cover the typical gas and electricity consumption average by house size below.

Firstly though, let's look at what influences the price of your gas and electricity bill and why your energy bill is so high.

Before that, if you want to cut to the chase and see if you could cut your energy bill by up to £430, click below 💡

How much is the average energy bill per month?

The average UK energy bill per month changes based on what time of the year it is. As we know, we use more energy during the winter than we do in the summer. With that in mind, the average UK energy bill is £107.40 per month. As a rule of thumb, expect it to be £100 for 9 months of the year and £130 for 3 months of the year (across winter).

If you're moving home and thinking about the cost of moving home, you can check-out our handy guide.

Why is my energy bill so high?

There are a few forces that affect the price of your energy bill. The most common reason why your energy bill is so high is because of your energy tariff. The price you pay for each unit of gas (kWh) and electricity (kWh) is expensive.

If you aren't certain you're on a fair deal, switching energy suppliers could put hundreds in your bank account every year. You can use our auto-switching service which will compare the market, find you a great deal then switch you again when a better one becomes available. You can shave up to £430 off your energy bill with a couple of clicks.

Now we know the average energy bill and we've switched your supply, let's look at the other reason your energy bill might be high and how to reduce it.

Increase your energy efficiency

  1. Don't leave your electronics or appliances on standby (turn them off when you're not using them)
  2. Wash you clothes at a lower temperature (try 30 or 40 degrees instead of 50) It sounds minimal but that can make a real difference to how much energy you use in a year
  3. When you are using the dishwasher or washing machine, make sure it is a full load. This will save you from doing twice as many loads at 50% capacity.
  4. Be economical with your thermostat. It is actually cheaper to keep your house running consistently at a reasonable temperature than it is to heat from cold, when you compare the two.
  5. Invest a new boiler. And we say invest because that's exactly what that is – an investment. As you may be aware, boilers don't operate at 100% efficiency. And if your standard 24kWh boiler operates at 50% efficiency you're wasting 12kWs every hour it's functional. Boilers become less efficient as they age so if you have had yours for a while, consider replacing it.
  6. Invest in insulation. In particular, invest in loft insulation. According to the energy saving trust 25% of heat escapes through the loft. By investing in decent insulation you can retain that heat and reduce the need to have the heating on as much.

Now, let's turn to what the average energy bill in the UK is based on your house size. Remember that these are averages are the usage will vary based on energy efficiency and usage.

Average energy bill by house type

Bedrooms Electricity Gas Total

1 bedroom




2 bedrooms




3 bedrooms




4 bedrooms




5 bedrooms




Average energy bill 1 bed flat

If you live in a one bedroom flat and use both gas and electricity the average price for your energy bill is only £50. If there are two adults instead of one, the average is around £60. This would be a range of £600 – £720 per annum. This assumes you use both fuels (dual fuel). There are a lot of factors that could influence this number such as if you have a different type of energy meter – such as an economy 7. Those types of meters charge you different rates dependent upon the time of day.

If you are at home most of the time, naturally your bills will be higher. If you use electricity only you may find your overall bill is greater because it is cheaper to heat with gas than it is electricity. That said, for a one bedroom flat you shouldn't be paying any more than £50-£60 for your gas and electricity each month. If you're paying more than that, you should compare the market to see if you're overpaying.

Average gas and electricity bill for a 1 bed flat

Average energy bill 2 bed flat

The average energy bill for a 2 bedroom flat in the UK is £60 per month, or £720 per year. That amount is based on a dual fuel user (gas & electricity) at typical consumption paying a typical amount for energy. If there are two adults living in the 2 bedroom flat the average energy bill is £75 per month, or £900 per year.

On average, flats will be less expensive to run than houses when it comes to energy. This is because flats can have other people heating their homes above, below and even next to them. This helps with heat retention, meaning it is less expensive to keep the flat at that temperature. You should also check your insulation as this can have a significant effect on heat retention.

Average gas and electricity bill for a 2 bed flat

Average energy bill 2 bed house

The average energy bill for gas and electricity in a two bedroom house is £67 per month, or £804 per year. This number will vary based on a number of factors such as;

  • Property type (detatched, semi-detached, maisonette)
  • Usage (high, med, low)
  • Occupants
  • Insulation
  • Price per unit of gas and electricity

Average gas and electricity bill for a 2 bed house

Average energy bill 3 bed house

The average energy bill for gas and electricity for a three bedroom house in the UK is £97. Or, the yearly average is £1,164. You would expect the average monthly price to be less than £97 during the summer, autumn and spring and higher during the winter.

Most energy companies advise you to pay the monthly average across the year so that build the balance you build up in the warmer months pays off the extra cost of the colder months.

Average gas and electricity bill for a 3 bed house

Average energy bill 4 bed house

If you live in a 4 bedroom house you can expect to pay about 20% more than a 3 bedroom house. That may seem a lot more just for one additional bedroom, but you must remember that the entire house must have a larger sq foot as well (in other words, the downstairs becomes larger).

Specifically, the average energy bill for a 4 bedroom house is £120 per month. That's roughly 20% more expensive that a 3 bedroom house. Across the year you can expect to pay around £1,440 for your energy. With a home this size you really start to benefit from 'selective heating' where you turn off radiators in the rooms you're not using to reduce the cost of your energy.

Average gas and electricity bill for a 4 bed house

Average energy bill 5 bed house

The average gas and electricity bill for a 5 bedroom house in the UK is £136. This will vary month to month (cheaper in the summer, more expensive in the winter) and will average out around £1,632 per year. The price you pay for your energy will vary based on a number of factors such as:

  • Number of occupants;
  • Energy efficiency (do you turn off appliances & radiators you're not using?)
  • Insulation (is it a new build property?)
  • Energy tariff

At this price, having an energy providers that charges you a reasonable rate is quite important. It can be hundreds a year more expensive. If you're not certain you're on a good deal you should compare energy tariffs.

Average gas and electricity bill for a 5 bed house

What is the average energy usage of a household uk?

As we now know, the average cost of energy in the UK is £1,289. But, what does that look like in terms of unit average (kWh) for gas and electricity?

Generally, here's how it looks for electricity in kWh each month:

Low usage of electricity: 150 kWh per month

Medium usage of electricity: 242 kWh per month

High usage of electricity: 358 kWh per month

For gas, the average kWh usage per month looks like:

Low usage of electricity: 666 kWh per month

Medium usage of electricity: 1,000 kWh per month

High usage of electricity: 1,417 kWh per month

And that's everything you need to know about the average cost of energy in the UK. In this article we've covered the average price you should expect to pay based on the type of property you live in. We've also explored how that changes dependent upon usage, energy efficiency and tariff. And finally, we've looked at how many units of gas and electricity is typical based on low, medium and high.

Average Monthly Gas Bill For 3 Bedroom House

Source: https://slothmove.com/average-energy-bill-uk/

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